Can My Kids Share an Account?

Rally Reader works best when each child has their own account. Awesomely, you can have up to 5 members in your family account and share purchased books for free


  • Download Rally Reader in the App store
  • Sign up for a parent account using gmail, apple, email, or phone.

Once you’ve shared your name with us:

  • Tap Create New Family
  • Confirm your family name and select submit

From there,  you can tap Add More Members to add family profiles directly on your device or use your unique Rally Family ID to invite members via email, text, or airdrop.

One of the great things about Rally Reader is that it tracks individual student stats (minutes read, words read, words/minute read, accuracy, streaks, Lexile, time of day, etc.) every time a child reads. Tracking enables you and your child to see their progress. That’s really motivating for kids! If kids share an account, the stats blend and aren’t very helpful. Signing up each child with their own account helps keep individual data organized and each child motivated by their own progress.