Does Rally Reader Help My Students Find "Just Right" Books?

Rally Reader provides the Lexile measurement for most books in our library and an option to filter your search by grade level and Lexile range. We also believe in empowering your students to find books that are a “just right” fit.

First, have your students select a book that they think they’ll enjoy. Ask your students:

  • What genres do you like?
  • What authors do you enjoy?
  • What are your interests? (Sports, travel, arts, science, games, cooking, history, current events, etc)
  • Book cover artwork that catches your eye

Once they’ve selected a book, have them try it out. Ask your students to read through to the second full page in their book. If they come across a tricky word that they don’t know, ask them to put one finger up. If they put five fingers up for five tricky words on one page alone, this book may be too challenging for them right now. That’s okay- they can come back to it when they are ready. 

Ask them to select a different book and try this same five-finger tricky word process again to make sure you’ve found a book that’s right for you. 

This type of book selection work takes practice, so they may have to try a few books before they find one that feels just right.