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What Makes Rally Reader Tutoring Different?

Here are our top 5 things that set Rally Reader tutoring apart! 

    • We are Data Driven. Our tutors use data from the student dashboard to celebrate the work your kiddo has done to create personalized lessons. 
    • We provide Relevant, Context-Based Instruction by hosting our meetings in-app. We create opportunities to engage your student’s interests and expand vocabulary with books they choose!
  • Who doesn’t love to be recognized for their efforts? With our built in dashboard, our tutoring offers Recognition for all the efforts your child is making towards their reading. It not only creates opportunities for your kiddo’s work to come to life, but helps them feel seen and celebrated for their work.
  • Our tutors use the data from tour student dashboard to offer your reader Support and identify personal areas of growth and reinforcement. 
We know this is hard work, so we provide your child with the coach and the mentor. Our app serves as our coach, collecting data and providing feedback along the way, while our tutors serve as the mentors, bringing that data to life- celebrating wins with your kiddo in real time, and motivating them to build consistent habits while taking ownership over their personal reading lives.